Kimberly Geraldino Tuesday,September 24,2019
Gender is a big major role in Iranian society since segregation of the sexest and many other gender law still exist, is important to know that these laws tend to favor the male gender and are very controversial till this day. Women’s right movement of the 90s brought to light what many believe to be injustice among iranian law,These injustice cause iranian woman to demand more for their rights and want to get rid of all the rules that were created by their society and government.Woman focus on conflicts, tension and Inequalities to fight for their basic rights.During this period women were able to demonstrate their frustration towards society and their government and opposed to what they believe was a violation of their rights and look for solutions .While iran currently are still facing social and political gender law against female it is still important to bright out how woman right movement of the 90s can help Iran currently status towards woman right politically and socially?.We will explore how iranian women stood up for them self with such danger oppose by their own government ? What victories did women obtain during the 90s centuries?if and what consequences were brought upon these ladies and how was it handled?How it affected iran society ? What oppositions did women face and how did they go about it ?. who were big major key leader of the movement? What strategies did women used in the 90s that we can used to today ?